We are 1.2 million neighbors, friends and community leaders who come together to create positive and lasting change in our country and world.
Rotary is an organization that brings together business and professional Rotarians who believe in the protection of goodwill and peace in the world and serve in this field. It is the goal of promoting high moral standards in all professions serving humanity.
The aim of Rotary is to promote, develop, and in particular, the ideal of service, which is the basis of all honorable initiatives;
Considering the development of familiarity a service opportunity,
Recognizing being virtuous in business and profession as a value, and every Rotary member glorify their profession and work as an opportunity to serve the society,
To apply the service ideal of each Rotarian to the community life as well as to his personal business,
To develop international mutual understanding, goodwill and the ideal of peace by establishing world-class friendly relations between various business and professional people united in the ideal of service.
Rotary is a worldwide fellowship organization of business and professional people who come together to promote the practical application of the Rotary service ideal, both individually and collectively.
Rotary strives to develop, encourage and encourage understanding, goodwill and peaceful relations among nations all over the world, based on the ideal of service.
Every Rotary Club chooses from all professions to ensure widespread representation of social life and to serve the purpose of Rotary.
As the first step of lasting friendships, in order to improve familiarity, a certain minimum number of attendance at regular club meetings is a condition for the continuation of membership.
Rotary Clubs provide the opportunity for Rotarians to set examples of high ethical standards in their private or business and professional life.
The religious and political views of each Rotarian only concern him or her.
In our country, Rotarians work with the principle of service before ourselves with all their might for a more livable Turkey with the light of the republic and the light of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk that guided us.